
1999年結成。2003年より現在のメンバー編成にて活動。映画音楽的な手法にロック、ジャズ、ノイズ、エモや即興といったサウンドが融合したマルチ・インストゥルメンタル・バンド。2005年11月に1st mini album『perception of causality』でデビュー(mastering engineer : mino takaaki/toe)。翌年11月にgood music! とのSplit CD『sggmt!!』を発売。これまでにオリジナル、ライブ盤、DVD、オムニバスも含め8作品を製作/参加。 主にライブを活動の主軸に置くスタイルで、ジャーマン・プログレの“CAN”のボーカリストDamo Suzukiと共演(60分の即興ライブ・セッション)や、山本精一(ROVO)を中心に千住宗臣(ボアダムス,ウリチパン郡)やEXPEも参加するPARA、中村達也×勝井祐二とも共演。また、The World Heritage(勝井祐二, 鬼怒無月, ナスノミツル,吉田達也)、芳垣安洋(ROVO、ONJQ)率いるVincent Atmicusや、54-71、twin electric violins band(勝井祐二,定村史朗,芳垣安洋,益子樹)とのツーマン・ライブも開催。近年はOTONOTANI、アラバキ・ロック・フェスに出演や、rega、nhhmbase、Saxon Shore(us)等のツアー・サポートも勤める。 2008年9月には約3年振りとなるオリジナル作品を初のフル・アルバムとしてリリース。また作品の全てのアート・ワークを新進気鋭のクリエイター迫田悠が手掛け、楽曲とリンクしたコンセプチアルな内容となり話題に。作品自体も海外で高い評価を受ける。現在はサポートだったギターの田岡が正式メンバーとなり4人編成に戻り精力的に活動中。 またメンバーの成井幹子は、大友良英率いるONJOのライブでストリングスへの参加や、木村カエラ、ILL(ex.SUPERCAR)のバック・バンド参加などの経歴がある。ソロとしても勝井祐二とのデュオや、坂本弘道や巻上公一などと共演。

Formed in 1999 and active with the current lineup since 2003, this multi-instrumental band blends rock, jazz, noise, emo, improvisation, and cinematic elements in their music. They made their debut in November 2005 with their first mini-album, “perception of causality” (mastered by Mino Takaaki of toe). The following year, they released a split CD titled “sggmt!!” with good music! They have produced/participated in a total of eight works, including originals, live recordings, DVDs, and compilation albums.

With a focus on live performances, they have collaborated with Damo Suzuki, the vocalist of German progressive band “CAN,” in a 60-minute improvisational live session. They have also performed with PARA, featuring Seiichi Yamamoto (ROVO), Munehito Shimizu (Boaadamus, Urichipangun), and EXPE, as well as Tatsuya Nakamura and Yuji Katsui. Additionally, they have held two-man live shows with The World Heritage (Yuji Katsui, Mutsuki Nasuno, Mitsuru Yoshida), led by Yasuhiro Yoshikawa (ROVO, ONJQ), Vincent Atmicus, led by Yoshio “54-71” Hayakawa, and the twin electric violins band (Yuji Katsui, Fumihito Tamura, Yasuhiro Yoshikawa, Itsuki Masuko). In recent years, they have performed at OTONOTANI and Arabaki Rock Fest, and have supported tours for rega, nhhmbase, and Saxon Shore (US), among others.

In September 2008, they released their first full album in approximately three years. The album featured conceptual artwork by the talented creator Yu Hakoda, which generated considerable buzz as it was closely linked to the music. Their works have received high acclaim overseas as well. Currently, guitarist Taoka, who was initially a support member, has become an official member, and the band has returned to a four-member lineup, actively engaging in their musical endeavors. Moreover, band member Mikiko Naruse has a background of participating in string arrangements for ONJO, led by Yoshihide Otomo, as well as being a part of the backing bands for Kimura Kaela and ILL (formerly of SUPERCAR). She has also collaborated with Yuji Katsui in a duo project and performed with Hiro Michihiro and Koichi Makiue as a solo artist.